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Chapter 2 A Winter Wrong

The Seasons of Serendipity always pushes my storytelling skills because this series, more than my other series, I expand to include the whole family in

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Chapter 3 A Winter Wrong

Well, this will be awkward. Enter pompous cousin no one likes who also owns the place…. XOXO Elizabeth Ann West Chapter 3 – A Winter

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Chapter 4 A Winter Wrong

The following chapter came from thinking how could my Mr. Darcy try to help the Bennet family, because he’s hopelessly smitten, and yet completely blow

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Chapter 5 A Winter Wrong

That smooth talking Mr. Wickham! He can mean nothing but trouble… later. 🙂  XOXO Elizabeth Ann West Chapter 5 – A Winter Wrong, a Pride

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Chapter 6 A Winter Wrong

The first Christmas after you lose someone is always the hardest. XOXO Elizabeth Ann West Chapter 6 – A Winter Wrong, a Pride and Prejudice

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Chapter 7 A Winter Wrong

I confess, I would totally accept a reacquaintance with Mr. Darcy for Christmas. Wouldn’t you? 🙂 XOXO Elizabeth Ann West Chapter 7 – A Winter

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Chapter 9 A Winter Wrong

I am chuckling to reread this chapter as I see little foreshadows of inspiration for OTHER books I’ve written (not in this series). Can you

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Elizabeth Ann West