For the Love of a Bennet
What if Elizabeth Bennet traveled with Lydia to Brighton?
A reimagining of Jane Austen’s most beloved tale, Pride & Prejudice, join author Elizabeth Ann West as she writes the romantic adventure story she always wanted! When Lizzy and Lydia arrive in Brighton, it’s very clear that the younger Bennet sister came with very serious plans towards Mr. Wickham. Thankfully, an old ally is also in town, with problems of his own to solve. After Mr. Darcy, himself, is summoned to Brighton to hopefully solve two dilemmas with one wealthy member of the gentry, the whole militia is thrown into an uproar by Wickham’s most dastardly deed, yet. Together, Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy have to save Lydia from her own undoing, or it will mean more than just mere reputations are ruined.
For the Love of a Bennet is a novel length story, currently being posted chapter by chapter on Elizabeth’s author site. This story was originally conceptualized in 2019 as a part of the All Go to Brighton challenge.
Below are the chapters available to read of A Test of Fire. A FREE membership is required to leave a comment or read later chapters. If you are already a member, please LOGIN.

Chapter 1 A Test of Fire
NOVELLA CHALLENGE! From the #Janeside on Facebook, a group I run with fellow author April Floyd, I threw down the gauntlet of challenging myself with

Chapter 2 A Test of Fire
This was a hard chapter to write. Sorry for the delay, I am writing the book out of order in another experiment. Still aiming to

Chapter 3 A Test of Fire
I am back to work this week and next, so not going to be done by Friday. Still, I’m trying to make time to write,

Chapter 4 A Test of Fire
I resigned earlier this week than I anticipated, my health has been a bit of struggle lately. However, when I can, I have written like

Chapter 5 A Test of Fire
Had a slight set back, but I am still butt in chair, hands on keys. 🙂 And if you make that an acronym . .

Chapter 6 A Test of Fire
I do love writing the men uncomfortable. I never planned on drawing attention to the trade aspect of the Bingleys, but I’m imagining with the

Chapter 7 A Test of Fire
I wrote most of last night (I write at night, sleep during the day. Hmmm vampire? LOL) and hit 23,000 words on this story. Really

Chapter 8 A Test of Fire
Every minute writing this story keeps surprising me. Connections I didn’t plan at all just keep throwing themselves into the prose. A good writer friend

Chapter 9 A Test of Fire
This might be broken up into separate chapters once I publish . . . but it’s a deliciously long chapter, nonetheless. And just in case

Chapter 10 A Test of Fire
Ready to learn the secret Jane has been keeping??? Also, duck and horse… check! XOXO Elizabeth Chapter 10 – A Test of Fire, a Pride

Chapter 11 A Test of Fire
Ready to learn the secret Jane has been keeping??? Also, duck and horse… check! XOXO Elizabeth Chapter 11 – A Test of Fire, a Pride

Chapter 12 A Test of Fire
I promise, promise, promise an HEA! Always for our ODC 🙂 But yes, I waited to publish this chapter until I was a few scenes

Chapter 13 A Test of Fire
I am a few chapters ahead of this one after taking a vacation to see family in Texas. It’s been a year since I moved

Chapter 14 A Test of Fire
Getting close to done, I’m 5 chapters ahead of this. Just to let people know, especially if this is your first time reading as I

Chapter 15 A Test of Fire
Apologies fore being a day late, yesterday didn’t go as planned. But TODAY I’m at a coworking space, slinging some ink! Hoping I get the

Chapter 16 A Test of Fire
And… the coworking space has turned into . . . I HAVE AN OFFICE!!! I’ve always wanted a space out in an office building to

Chapter 17 A Test of Fire
Warning, this chapter is emotional, especially about the loss of a child. In good news, my sister and I were at the office at 9

Chapter 18 A Test of Fire
YAY! The book is done, edited by the incomparable April Floyd, and in all major ebook stores! I am working on the paperback. All chapters

Chapter 19 A Test of Fire
Annnnd we all knew Lady Catherine would run to Pemberley. Right? Right? 🙂 I want to give a HUGE thank you to every reader who

Chapter 20 A Test of Fire
This chapter and 2 more will complete the story. The book is available now on ALL major book stores. I want to thank again, everyone

Chapters 21 & 22 A Test of Fire
Okay, so this is where the story took a turn like a Hallmark Christmas movie and I didn’t stop it! I love the feel good