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The Miracles of Marriage
a Pride and Prejudice variation novel
Release Date: July 25, 2019
Pages: 306
Book 5 in the Moralities of Marriage Series. Chapters posting now on Elizabeth’s site.
After the murder of George Wickham in the streets of London and the fire at Longbourn, Mr. Darcy and his lovely bride, Elizabeth Bennet, must cut their wedding trip to Scotland short. With the financial stakes of all families hanging in the balance of London’s politics, the Darcys will have to work together to see to everyone’s needs. But with so much tragedy and scandal, can Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam rely on each other, or has the trust between our dear couple worn to edges beyond repair?
Chapters Available to All

Chapter 1 The Miracles of Marriage
Since the murder of George Wickham hit The Times in August 1812, the street outside Darcy House in London buzzed for weeks with abnormal activity. Without the family in residence, the front path before the door contained a motley mix of men from sailors to coppersmiths, alternating in yells and jeers for most of the day. They stayed on the street side of the iron gate, blocking the walk and oftentimes congesting traffic….

Chapter 2 The Miracles of Marriage
The Darcy carriage traveled efficiently from the happy frolicking days of the couple’s Scottish wedding trip to the daunting mantle of family responsibility waiting for them in the south. Elizabeth Darcy sat on the bench across from her husband and insisted her maid, Higgins, join them for much of the journey.

Chapter 3 The Miracles of Marriage
Charles Bingley’s lease on Netherfield Park would end in October after an emergency extension was agreed to by the parties. Jane Bingley stared at the long list of tasks left in her charge. Even with the extension, it would be a difficult feat to accomplish. The list ranged from a final inventory of the furnishings to help her uncle close out the property to convincing Kitty that some of her larger works of art should remain behind in the attic.

Chapter 4 The Miracles of Marriage
Within an hour of leaving the last inn, the surrounding countryside inspired a wave of nostalgia to overtake Elizabeth Darcy. A result from their temporary truce, she enjoyed her husband’s comfort while the carriage returned her to Hertfordshire for the first time as a married woman. Thinking of home, she errantly worried that the carriage might not go past Longbourn if the driver chose the longer route to Netherfield Park through Meryton.

Chapter 5&6 The Miracles of Marriage
Mrs. Darcy enjoyed tromping through the crisp autumn fields with her husband. Despite the difficulties of all around them, Elizabeth’s heart felt lighter that she and Fitzwilliam still made happy memories on their own terms.

Chapter 7-11 The Miracles of Marriage
Lady Catherine de Bourgh found her niece Georgiana Wickham lacking in good sense, good company, and any respect for her mother’s sister.

Chapter 12-16 The Miracles of Marriage
Book is OUT! Sorry the chapters are late, but I am auntie to a new nephew!

Chapter 17-21 The Miracles of Marriage
Book is OUT! Working on putting the chapters up for everyone to read!

Chapter 22-26 The Miracles of Marriage
Book is OUT! Working on putting the chapters up for everyone to read!

Chapter 27-29 The Miracles of Marriage
All the feels wrapping this one up . . . and whoa!