Below are the chapters available to read of If Mr. Darcy Dared. A FREE membership is required to leave a comment or read later chapters. If you are already a member, LOGIN.

Chapter 1 If Mr. Darcy Dared
DEAR READERS, We’re trying a lot of new things with this story! The premise I had in my head was what if we saw

Chapter 2 If Mr. Darcy Dared
DEAR READERS, This scene was such a brat to not want to come, but now that it is recorded and run through Grammarly, it

Chapter 3 If Mr. Darcy Dared
Hot off the presses! I finally got this scene into a decent shape of gaspyness (is that word? It’s what I call it when

Chapter 4 If Mr. Darcy Dared
Thank you everyone who has posted comments, I will respond I promise. Been head down writing. Also the issues you are catching I am

Chapter 5 If Mr. Darcy Dared
The day after Christmas, I received terrible news that my grandfather was in ICU. Thankfully, he has pulled through, but I spent 2.5 weeks unplanned

Chapter 6 If Mr. Darcy Dared
This is the chapter of FIREWORKS ladies and gentlemen for Our Dear Couple! PLEASE leave a comment if you are loving this story, the stupid

Chapter 7 If Mr. Darcy Dared
To answer a few questions 🙂 $7.99 Direct preorder is until 2/28. After that it will be $9.99 and the book will be on preorder

Chapter 8 If Mr. Darcy Dared
If you join Janeside on Facebook (it’s a group) you too can contribute Easter Eggs. And to my FRIENDS already in the Janeside, I worked

Chapter 9 If Mr. Darcy Dared
This scene was hilarious to write…. XOXO Elizabeth Ann West PREORDER DIRECT TODAY AND SAVE $2! Chapter 9- If Mr. Darcy Dared Hazy grays of

Chapter 10 If Mr. Darcy Dared
I used to HATE talking to my Dad when I knew he was disappointed in me. Ugh, it’s the worst! 🙂 XOXO Elizabeth Ann West

Chapter 11 If Mr. Darcy Dared
Where oh where is Mr. Darcy? XOXO Elizabeth Ann West PREORDER DIRECT TODAY AND SAVE $2! Chapter 11- If Mr. Darcy Dared By noon, the

Chapter 12 If Mr. Darcy Dared
This book releases in 1 week to direct preorders! To larger vendors it will come out March 14, 2018. XOXO Elizabeth Ann West PREORDER DIRECT

Chapter 13 If Mr. Darcy Dared
This book releases to direct preorders at 5 PM EST March 23, 2018. I will keep the $7.99 pricing for direct orders until Monday. After

Chapter 14 If Mr. Darcy Dared
Frantically posting chapters to get to the first “hot” scene for you all before the preorder hits at 5 PM 🙂 XOXO Elizabeth Ann West

Chapter 15 If Mr. Darcy Dared
Next chapter, the heat is coming. Fair warning. 🙂 XOXO Elizabeth Ann West PREORDER DIRECT TODAY AND SAVE $2! Chapter 15- If Mr. Darcy Dared

Chapter 16 If Mr. Darcy Dared
The first of a few scenes in the book where Our Dear Couple learn to love each other. Le sigh. It’s HAWT and well, I

Chapter 17-19 If Mr. Darcy Dared
Already out in Australia…. T-minus 16 hours and the book is out worldwide! You can the book RIGHT NOW through Gumroad… or snag your copy

Chapter 20-22 If Mr. Darcy Dared
I have so much nervous energy for this book, I am CLEANING MY OFFICE! Send good vibes. Send them all 🙂 XOXOX Elizabeth Ann West

Chapter 23-25 If Mr. Darcy Dared
Wickham just always ruins everything, doesn’t he 😉 XOXOX Elizabeth Ann West BUY DIRECT Shop iTunes Shop Google Play Shop Amazon Shop Nook Shop Kobo

Chapter 26-28 If Mr. Darcy Dared
I just always love writing Colonel Fitzwilliam… probably because I married a military man 😉 Chapter 28 is HOTTER than Chapter 16 🙂 XOXOX Elizabeth

Chapter 29-31 If Mr. Darcy Dared
Mrs. Bennet doesn’t get to be the hero often, but she does now! XOXOX Elizabeth Ann West BUY DIRECT Shop iTunes Shop Google Play Shop Amazon

Chapter 32-34 If Mr. Darcy Dared
May I please present, Mr. and Mrs. Darcy!!!!!!! This is the end of the story, thank you SO MUCH EVERYONE who had read this, supported it,