Below are the chapters available to read of A Trapping of Marriage. A FREE membership is required to leave a comment or read later chapters. If you are already a member, LOGIN.

Chapters 1-3 The Trappings of Marriage
Getting closer to posting and publishing Books 5 & 6. Let’s revisit Book 4 together! XOXOXO Elizabeth Ann West Chapter 1 – The Trappings of

Chapters 4-6 The Trappings of Marriage
And now the events of Books 1, 2, and 3 are coming clear… Mr. Bennet IS ill (as Elizabeth knew from seeing him collapse in

Chapters 7-9 The Trappings of Marriage
Rereading this just fuels my current work this week to declutter and design pretty spaces in my home. Now that I’m divorced, not that I

Chapters 10-12 The Trappings of Marriage
Darcy is so diligent… and the Colonel and Anne are so adorable… and yeah, that last chapter… hot tamale! 🙂 XOXOXO Elizabeth Ann West Chapter

Chapters 13-15 The Trappings of Marriage
Man! The drama is on a screaming 10 in this group of chapters…. I love that I am working on Book 5 in this series!

Chapters 16-18 The Trappings of Marriage
So I have a new cool thing. As I am setting up my permanent writing systems, I remembered a long time request: Patreon. Since I

Chapters 19-21 The Trappings of Marriage
My mother is a twin. Funny story, when she was in labor with me her twin sister called the hospital and paged my father because

Chapters 22-24 The Trappings of Marriage
What is the Duke up to? I am so very excited to keep writing this juicy tale of theft by lies and not all of

Chapters 25-27 The Trappings of Marriage
I am so happy for the Colonel and Anne… and boy, Georgiana is a handful! But I wrote her at her worst because I really

Chapters 28-30 The Trappings of Marriage
Fly fishing with Mr. Darcy? YES PLEASE! By the way, Book 1-3 in this series are being released June 20, 2019 as a boxed set! 😉
XOXOXO Elizabeth Ann West

Chapters 31-33 The Trappings of Marriage
One day I dream of holidaying in England and Scotland! I have books and resources that I model all of my imaginary settings on, and I can’t wait to finally make that trek!
XOXOXO Elizabeth Ann West

Chapters 34-36 The Trappings of Marriage
YUM YUM Mr. Darcy IN A KILT!! 🙂 XOXOXO Elizabeth Ann West

Chapters 37-39 The Trappings of Marriage
OOOOOH Somebody’s in trouble! XOXOXO Elizabeth Ann West

Chapters 40-42 The Trappings of Marriage
And as lovely as the Darcys summer wedding trip to Scotland has been . . . join us in Book 5 (currently being posted on my Patreon) as the Darcys return to England and face the music . . .
XOXOXO Elizabeth Ann West